Established in 1988, the Bird & Nature Club affords the opportunity for La Casa residents to learn about birds, other animals, plants, and nature in general. Professional speakers and high-quality videos are scheduled for the Club’s meetings that are held in the Rec. Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the months of October and November, and January through April. The first and last meetings are preceded by a pot-luck supper followed by a video. With the exception of October and April, each meeting concludes with a social of coffee, tea and home-made cookies. Examples of past videos as well as speakers and their topics follow:
VIDEOS: BBC’s Planet Earth Series – “Seasonal Forests”, “Jungles”, “The Great Migration”, “the Great Salmon Run”. National Geographic Series – ‘Survival of Yellowstone’s Wolves”, “Gorillas”, “Africa’s Animal Oasis”.
SPEAKERS: Archaeologist Steve Koski – “Warm Mineral Springs and Little Salt Spring”; Robert Wilk – “Plant Propagation”; Win Sell – “Rescuing Wolf Dogs”; Dr. Allen Farris – “Birding in Panama”; Lynn and Dennis Wittmeier owners and curators of the wildlife refuge: Lions, Tigers and Bears, Inc. Some speakers have brought live animals: Florida panther, wolf-dogs, arctic foxes, bats, exotic birds, raptors.
Also a day-long field trip is scheduled outside La Casa during early February to observe animals and plants in either natural or human-created habitats. There is a nominal charge for this excursion to cover costs of the motor-coach and entry fees. Recent trips were to the Everglades, Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park and Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo.
Though called a “club”, The Bird & Nature Club has no formal membership roster, i.e., every meeting is open to all residents and guests. A $1.00 per person voluntary donation is requested at the door. Proceeds are used for speaker-stipends and to support the work of local wildlife refuges and conservation organizations.
The Club’s officers invite and encourage all La Casa residents and their guests to participate!
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