President Tim Davis called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dan Smith read the roll call. All board members were present with the exception of Marlene Bolyard and Harry Coutts.
Mary Borst made a motion to accept the previous meeting minutes as posted. It was seconded by Maureen Linn and passed unanimously.
President Davis reported that there were three director positions expiring in 2014. That of Marlene Bolyard, Harry Coutts, and Bill Steger. Marlene and Bill have voiced a desire to run for director again. Additionally, Rose Albers Roy has also voiced a desire to run for one of the openings. Any other nominations must be in to the nomination committee before November 7th. Nomination committee is comprised of Pat Schmidt, Dan Smith, and Joe Holovachuk. An election will be held at the December first meeting.
Voices of La Casa is sponsoring a talent show Sunday, March 1st. Auditions for the talent show will be held December 11th and January 6th.
2015 Activity Cards will be sold during the same time as monies are collected for Comcast Cable in January as well as the January Coffee Hours. 2014 cards will be honored until February 1st, 2015.
Sally Smith will no longer be selling Activity Cards. Sue Ann Kennedy will take over her duties. Thanks to Sally for her past assistance. All La Casa activities require attendees to show their Activity Card.
Security Patrol needs someone to lead this service and schedule volunteers. See Tim if you would like to take over.
We also need someone to take over picture taking duties. Izak Kolodny has gotten too busy to take this project on in addition to his other obligations. Again, see Tim Davis.
Clint Van Tassel reported on the receipts and payouts for the past month ending September 30th. The current balance for the Activity Association is $13,335.
Dan Smith reported an increased activity scheduling buildings in La Casa. Forms requesting space for 2015 should be presented by December 20, 2014 to be approved and included in the website calendar.
Dan announced the Wine and Cheese to preview the season’s All Star Shows will be held November 21st. There will not be a need to sign up in advance, but attendees must show their Activity Cards. No room for guests for this particular event.
The North Port High School Jazz Band is scheduled to return to La Casa December 9th. We will once again be taking a collection to benefit the North Port High School Music Department. Last year we raised $700 and hope to surpass that this year.
Dan offered thanks and congratulations for Randy Burlison and his crew at the Car Wash in raising money for Breast Cancer research. Unofficially, the crew raised in excess of $1300. Hopefully we can continue to increase the amount collected for this worthy cause.
Doris Marlin offered her thanks for the many suggestions people were giving her for entertainment possibilities in the park. Thanks, also, to Kevin Clifford for his valuable input and support.
Doris advised that Bridgid’s Cross will be here annually from now on. All of 2015 has been booked up. Doris offered a quick listing of the acts scheduled to appear.
Activity Association directors will be attending a “Showcase” in November or December. Several acts willing to appear in the area will be giving us a sample of their talents so we can decide which ones best fit the La Casa stage, and possibly hire them for future bookings.
Shirley Barnes introduced four new neighbors to the audience: Greg and Debbie Kopp, George and Alice Clattenburg, John and Mary Plevka, and Patti Reid. Each in turn spoke briefly about their arrival in La Casa.
Tim advised the sponsors for November Coffee Hours:
11/5 will be Emeritus at River Oaks
11/12 will be Spyrnal Associates
11/19 will be All Florida Weatherproofing
11/27 there will not be a Coffee Hour due to Thanksgiving.
Mary Borst will continue to take blood pressures after every Coffee Hour program.
Mary Borst advised the new residents to tell emergency responders we are in SOUTH SARASOTA COUNTY and NOT North Port so thay can get the proper emergency teams here.
Gardens of North Port and Senior Home Health Care are jointly sponsoring a luncheon for La Casa veterans and their spouses only, Thursday, November 20th, at 1PM. There will be a short program to recognize veterans and a free luncheon afterward. See Mary to sign up. Mary reminded everyone that there will be a Pot Luck on Thanksgiving Day. Please bring a dish to feed eight people. If you have guests or relatives, bring additional dishes accordingly. Last year over 300 were served.
Shirley Paro explained how the Sunshine Committee provided a kind word or encouragemment for those that are reported to her or Tim. Shirley visits or calls to lift their spirits and Tim usually sends a greeting card.
Gayle Fryer invited all La Casa ladies to the Women’s Breakfast at Old World Restaurant for Thursday, Novenber 6th at 9AM. Gayle explained help is available to keep unsteady people from having to climb a ladder, or perform small chores, etc.
Norma Beach advised there were two calls this past month. To get help moving an old heavy TV and clean the inside of a lamp post. There are 22 shut ins in La Casa using their neighbors’ help.
Norma advised the availablity of a document listing medications and emergency contacts from the Sarasota County Fire Department. The kit includes a red dot to display where the firemen can see it and get vital information to treat illnesses and injuries. This FILE FOR LIFE is a free service that can make a great deal of difference in the time it takes to treat a life threatening situation.
Norma Beach advised the monthly food drive collections go to the Salvartion Army here in North Port. Everything collected stays in North Port. The second Tuesday of every month volunteers will collect donated foodstuffs. Place them on or at the base of your front post lamp the Second Tuesday of each month.
Norma reported that there would be a golf cart cookie caroling for shut ins on Saturday, December 20th, at 11AM. Teams make the rounds singing carols and delivering cookies to those unable to get around on their own. What better way to spread a little cheer duiring the holidays? Mr. and Mrs Santa will be among the carolers. Norma said they can always use more cookie tins and more cookies. She is happy to take donations.
LIBRARY – no report
BLOOD BANK – no report. Big Red Bus to be here November 19th.
Marilee Taylor Announced an upcoming Celebration of Life for Bob Jozwiak on Sunday, November 9th, in the rec hall , at noon. Thanks go out to the many volunteers when a celebration occurs.
The Voices of La Casa are in rehearsal for their first concert of the season on December 5th, at 7PM. Mr. and Mrs Santa will be present for ” WHAT SWEETER MUSIC”.
Betty Van Tassel welcomed the new residents. She advised the deadline for newsletter items this month is early because of Thanksgiving. All items and articles must be to Betty by Novemver 6th and NOT the 8th.
Carol Curley reminded everyone to be sure and vote November 4th. We need participation to keep our convenient in park voting location active. She reported there are three board members retiring this year so there will be three openings. Collette Welch, Everett Medling, and Randy Burlison will be leaving the board. Next HOA agenda meeting will be November 12th at the front office board room. Next Full HOA meeting will be November 19th at 2PM at the rec hall.
Connie Listman explained the purpose of the Helpline, escorting residents to doctor appointments, picking up prescriptions, etc. She is in need of a dispatcher for the month of July and asks for violunteers. The dispatcher for November is Linda Breeden. See the notice on the website as well as channel 195.
Tim reminded everyone that we are lucky enough to have a voting precinct right here in La Casa. As a result, the rec hall will be transformed into a voting booth for all day Tuesday. Wifi will still be available on the outside of the rec hall and in the activity center/pool area. Voting only will be allowed inside the rec hall.
Paul Stevens advised there are tickets left for the Veterans’ Dinner Dance for Saturday, November 8th. Jay Smith will be entertaining and Paul would like a big turnout. There will be a Veterans Day ceremony at the rec hall flag pole on Tuesday, November 11th, at 11AM. Coffee and donuts will be served by the Veterans Club afterward.
John Koerber asked for bowlers to sign up for the La Casa bowling league. They meet Tuesdays at 11:30 at Treasure Lanes in Port Charlotte and are in need of more people. John advised the Contract Review Committee has openings for new members. Those interested should send a resume to him or Bert Bicknell.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM.
Respectfully submitted
Dan Smith