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An Active Adult Resident Owned Community
by Tim Davis
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by Tim Davis
HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION OF LACASA, INC. You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
by Tim Davis
The HOA has made arrangements for copies of the “Seniors Blue Book” ( to be placed at the main office hallway, and at the Rec Hall. [Read more…]
by Tim Davis
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by Tim Davis
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by Tim Davis
News From Your Activity Assocation
By Tim Davis, President
What a great time everyone had on Memorial Day with a moving ceremony by the La Casa Veterans who represented all branches of the U.S. Armed Services. Then we all enjoyed a wonderful roast chicken dinner prepared by our very own International Cooking Team (AKA Jean & Harry Coutts and Dotty & Tony Freiler). YUM! After lunch we were treated to our very own La Casa 500. What a fun and exciting day!
To show our thanks for the support of all the permanent residents in La Casa, we are throwing an Appreciation Lunch at noon on Friday, June 20th, in the Rec Hall. There is a sign-up sheet in the front hall so please indicate whether you plan to attend so we can order plenty of food. This is a FREE event and we hope you enjoy the day. Please bring games, cards or your swim suit and stick around for an afternoon of fun and socializing.
Once again the old chuck wagon will pull up to the Rec Hall for an old-fashioned cookout on 4th of July, along with the traditional LaCasa Golf Cart parade around Lake Marisma led by Grand Marshall Izak Kolodny, accompanied by “Cassie and Pepe” in their “classic” Studebaker (prizes to be awarded for the best decorated carts). The Activity Board Posse of Dan Smith and George Meekins will serve as your chefs, and after lunch we will be having an abbreviated version of Bingo. July 4th ticket sales will begin on June 11th before the Coffee Hour and end at Bingo on June 26th. Tickets for the whole extravaganza are $5.00.
The first of our summer dances is on Saturday, June 14th, with music by Ziggy. Ticket sales will begin before the June 5th Bingo and continue right up to the night of the dance. The price will remain at $5.00.
We have plenty of other activities to keep you happy and entertained this Summer, so continue to read this Newsletter, watch Channel 195 and sign on to our resident-only web site: You’d better have your air-conditioner checked out, ‘cause it’s gonna be a HOT ONE in La Casa this Summer!!
by Tim Davis
June is here and the park is quiet. Many of us go North for the summer and it’s always fun to visit family and friends there. There are still quite a few remaining in our Park through the hot months and that’s good too.
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by Tim Davis
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content
If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
Sales tax holiday begins May 31st in Florida for Hurricane Supplies
Beginning Saturday, May 31st and ending at 11:50 p.m. on Sunday, June 8th, qualifying hurricane supply items and related preparedness are exempt from sales tax.
The tax holiday will permit residents to purchase items for hurricane season preparedness without a sales tax penalty.
There are a wide range of items, too numerous to list here, that qualify for the tax holiday. Some of the items include:
Battery-powered flashlights and lanterns
Coolers and ice chests
First aid kits
Tarps and plastic sheeting
Portable and weather band radios
The entire tax holiday document can be found and downloaded at
Submitted by Randy Burlison on behalf of the HOA
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