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An Active Adult Resident Owned Community
by Tim Davis
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
Another great season is ending and we say so long to many of our residents as they head to the north…..Be safe travelers and have a great summer. You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
by Tim Davis, President
Spring has finally arrived and that means will we have to say goodbye to our many friends who will be returning to their homes up north. We all wish you a safe and happy trip home, and look forward to seeing you next Season.
It’s been a great Season and I hope everyone had a good time at all the wonderful activities that were put on by the Activity Association and the various clubs. We will keep it up all summer with our usual Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day celebrations, along with dances each month. Watch the Community Channel on the web, Channel 195 on TV and read the newsletter for details on all the upcoming events.
We also have 24 newly trained volunteers who took a CPR/AED class on March 23rd and we want to thank all who gave their time to become caregivers in case of an emergency at one of our events. Hopefully their skills will never be needed! This will be an ongoing program so we can be assured of always having trained residents when we need them.
This month we will have a dance on Saturday, May 10th, with music by Black Velvet. Reserved seat tickets will go on sale before the April 30th Coffee Hour and continue at all bingo nights and coffee hours. Also on tap is our annual Memorial Day salute to our nation’s Veterans, followed by an excellent dinner prepared by our International Cooking Team. After dinner bring your quarters for the La Casa 500 and pick a winner! Reserved seats will go on sale on Wednesday, May 7th before the Coffee Hour.
For those of you staying for the summer, sit back and relax, take a walk on the beach, have dinner out while avoiding the crowds and be prepared to have a lot of fun here in La Casa!
by Tim Davis
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) combined with Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) could appropriately be called the “Gift of Life”. You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
by Tim Davis
MINUTES-BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
BOARD ROOM 4/9/2014 8:30AM You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
April 2, 2914, 7PM at REC HALL
RE: RECEIVE RESIDENT INPUT TO USE IN DEVELOPING A LONG TERM FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PLAN You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
Whenever a hurricane threatens our area, we may be required to EVACUATE and this is inconvenient for our disabled residents.
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If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content
If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
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