[restrictby Tom Quink, President and Program Chairman
The Bird & Nature Club’s next meeting and program will be on Monday, February 23rd at 7:30 PM in the Rec. Hall.
The topic of February’s program is “The Multi-Billion Dollar Everglades Restoration”. The presenter will be Richard Dickson, a recent La Casa resident. He will address the US Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) involvement in the Everglades project. By saving America’s Everglades – through the largest environmental restoration initiative in the nation’s history – Florida is restoring the habitats for more than 60 endangered and threatened species. Nearly 9 million acres will be involved. Rich retired recently after thirty-five years as a USACE employee, where he served as a Project Manager for projects in the Middle East, spent time as the senior civilian in Afghanistan, and was responsible for several multi-billion dollar projects. Dickson earned his Civil Engineering Degree from Clarkson College of Technology, presently named Clarkson University. All La Casa residents, including renters and guests, are invited to this meeting to enjoy this interesting, power-point presentation which hits close to home.
As usual, a $1.00 per person voluntary donation is requested at the door. Proceeds pay professional speakers and support the work of local wildlife refuges and conservation organizations. So please come, bring friends and neighbors and savor this educational talk followed by a social of coffee, tea and home-made cookies.[/restrict]
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