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An Active Adult Resident Owned Community
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content
If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content
If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
Visit our Scam Awareness Page! [Read more…]
by Tim Davis
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content
If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Tim Davis
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content
If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
We are seeing evidence of some residents trying to log into lacasaswfl.com, our real estate site. [Read more…]
by Tim Davis
There are some recurring errors I see in documents which are easy to fix but take my time as website Editor.
[Read more…]by Tim Davis
Last month we showed you a couple of sites which can help you keep track of product recalls. There’s a lot of information out there, so we thought we would add a few more sites you can review for recalls of different types:
US Food and Drug Administration Recall Information — http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/default.htm
Food Safety Recalls (Dept. of Health and Human Services) — https://www.foodsafety.gov/recalls/recent/
Consumer Product and Safety Commission Recalls — http://www.cpsc.gov/en/Recalls/
National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration Recalls and Defects for Vehicles — http://www.nhtsa.gov/Vehicle+Safety/Recalls+&+Defects
Child-related Recalls — http://www.safekids.org/product-recalls
Recalls.gov Generic Search Site for Recalls — http://www.recalls.gov
There are many more sites you can find by doing an Internet search, but these and last month’s should offer a good range of recall information. Stay safe!
— The Editor
by Tim Davis
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content
If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
You hopefully noticed the emergency notification banner we ran here last week. The content was about a multi-state recall of vegetables and produce due to possible contamination. We decided to use our new banner system to test it and to let you know about the recall. [Read more…]
by Tim Davis
You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content
If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
If you look at the bottom of the right-hand column on the home page, you will see a new pull-down menu labeled “Categories”. Click on the arrow and you will see a list of all the categories we use to index the website.
[Read more…]
by Tim Davis
Have you looked below the top of the home page lately?
When you log into the La Casa ROC website, you typically will see the “features” that scan like a slide show, primarily with Activity Association information of upcoming activities. To the right of that is our Amazon.com link that gives a rebate back to La Casa for anything you purchase.
You can also see several tabs across the top that take you directly to different parts of the website; News, the Events and Notices Channel, our community Calendar, and so on.
But have you paged down?
Below the HOA items in the left column, newest items first, and the News items in the center column, in the same order, is another section for Resident Activities. This includes on-site activities like a block party, the recent American Sign Language classes, notices about Christmas decorations, and so forth. It’s a category we needed to allow all the activities that aren’t HOA or Activities Associations to have a home, and there it is. So once in a while, page down and see if there is anything new there.
Also, don’t forget our Creative Writing page is waiting for residents to get creative. Stories, fiction, photos, artwork, we can accept just about anything. Of course, we don’t want controversial or political topics that are simply designed to antagonize people. Remember that all content is subject to our site Terms and Conditions. You can find a link at the bottom of the home page for that, if you need a refresher.
As always, your feedback is welcome. — The Editor
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