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An Active Adult Resident Owned Community
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Homeowners Association of La Casa, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
September 25th, 2023
Rec Hall &
Via Zoom
1:00 p.m.
Call to order: At 1:00 pm in the Rec Hall by President Welch.
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Exit Message: Reviewed by President Welch, this also included a reminder there is an AED Defibrillator located on the back wall.
Silence Electronic Devices: Reviewed by President Welch.
Roll call: Present: Hanus, Luecken, Morgan, Welch, Browning (Park Mgr.), Krout (Off Mgr./Acct.).
Via Zoom: Bisson, Hagopian, Moshano, Peterson, Swab, Pasquale, (Parliamentarian).
There were 17 residents attending.
Adoption of Proposed agenda:
Motion: To approve the agenda as presented. Luecken/Morgan, 9/0 MMC.
Shareholders Request to Speak: None
Open Forum on Agenda Items: None
Secretary’s Report: Frank Hanus
Motion: To approve the minutes of the August 28th, 2023, Board meeting as submitted. Hanus/Morgan, 9/0 MMC.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Luecken
MONTH OF: July 2023
Actual | Budget | Variance | |
Income | 163,849 | 162,679 | 1,170 |
Expense | 199,075 | 142,528 | 56,547 |
Profit/Loss | (35,225) | 20,150 | (55,376) |
YEAR TO DATE Jan- Aug 2023
Actual | Budget | Variance | |
Income | 1,324,143 | 1,323,245 | (898) |
Expense | 1,200,530 | 1,153,141 | 47,389 |
Profit/Loss | 123,612 | 170,103 | (46,490) |
RESERVES (restricted funds)* | 333,131 |
Total OPERATING FUND (including Cd’s) | 151,220 |
PETTY CASH | 250 |
1,343,103 |
Total Funds Bank Accounts | 1,343,103 |
Total Funds CD’s | 2,626,986 |
Total Funds | 4,345,089 |
Investments/CD’s Due next month,
New CD purchased 9/2023 Amount $250,000, Current rate 5.25%, 1 year.
Capital Asset
FINANCE: Jack Pasquale,
September 25, 2023
Good afternoon; President Welch; HOA Board Members; Mr. Randy Browning, Park Manager; Ms. Linda Krout, Park Accountant; La Casa Shareholders and Residents
My name is Jack Pasquale and I live at 655 Los Altos. I have the privilege to serve as chairman of the Finance Committee along with team members Al Campbell, Jim Dahlhausen, Jan Danner, David Fogt, Dianne Richardson, and Evelyn Ternullo.
We continued the work started in August on development of the 2024 draft operating budget. Once again, we examined each budget line-item line by line and made appropriate adjustments with the guidance of our Park Accountant Linda Krout and Park Manager Randy Browning to predict the expected dollar amounts more accurately for each line. We did not have updated information on expected expenses for insurance premiums, or final settlement numbers from the insurance claims for Hurricane IAN. We expect to have more accurate estimates for insurance premiums after management and the board meet with our insurance broker and the claims adjuster.
At this stage in the development of the 2024 draft operating budget based on the projected revenue and expense, the budget is not balanced.
There is a $522,095 shortfall which would require an increase of $45.10 per month/per share to balance the budget.
If we use the projected $38,165 carryforward funds from prior years, the shortfall is reduced to $483.926 which would require an increase of $41.79 per month/per share to fund the budget.
If the water, sewer, and tax expenses $14,080 associated with the La Casa owned lots no paid from the operating funds is reimbursed from the CAA fund since any money from the sale of these lots would go to the CAA fund, the shortfall would be reduced further to $469,846 which would require an increase of $40.60 per month/per share to fund the budget.
It is apparent even with the preliminary numbers, the board will be faced with some difficult decisions to increase monthly fees or reduce expenses which might require a reduction in services, or some combination of the two.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Finance Committee,
Jack Pasquale, BSEE, JD
Chairman SCF
LCRE: Kathy Langone,
LCRE Monthly News
Good afternoon, HOA President Colette Welch, directors, staff, shareholders, and guest,
We are looking forward to the fall and the returning of the snowbirds, most of all were looking forward to the return of buyers it has been a very disappointing season at LCRE, but with much hope that our homes on MLS will start to catch the eye of new buyers far and wide. The month of Aug we closed 2 as is homes we have 51 currently available for sale 15 move in ready, 7 as is, and 29 lots.
We have ordered new signage and Vickie and Tammie are working on adding all the homes on MLS. We’ll be getting ready to have our training meeting in January and we will be introducing our new realtor Tammie to our residents at coffee in November.
Excitement in the park is seeing the new homes being brought in and installed. They look great and will help when potential buyers come through the park to see what can be done to an empty lot.
Thank you.
Kathy Langone
REPORT: Randy Browning, Park Manager
Lake Fountains
The contractor ordered the fountain parts as soon as they arrive Lake Escondido and Lake Chico to be repaired.
Rec Hall A/C Unit
The Rec Hall a/c unit was replaced and is working.
Front Wall Lighting
The front wall lights are completed.
Office Generator
We are waiting on Sarasota County Building Department to approve permit for propane tank installation.
Club House Shuffle Court Awning Repair
We are waiting for Sarasota County engineering approval for panel replacement on awning damaged from hurricane Ian.
This week, it’s one year since we were so destroyed by Hurricane Ian. We have made progress in our recovery but are still struggling to get back to where we were. Sadly, that is going to take time — possibly months or years. I listen to the stories and hear the frustration and depression in people’s voices. It is so difficult, but we are strong and making the best of what life has given us. We’ll get there!
It is the responsibility of the Board, according to our governing documents and Florida statutes, to maintain this association. We eased the rules for one year. That moratorium ends September 3 1, 2023. We know that circumstances have prevented some residents from completing repairs at this point. We want to be reasonable whenever possible. We need you to let us know, in writing, about the progress you are making. We want to be sure that La Casa is well on the road to recovery. We also want you to know that our rules became effective September 1, 2023, and need to be followed. If you don’t yet have a copy of the rules, they are available in the office.
Currently, a great deal of effort is being put into preparing the 2024 budget. Hurricane recovery issues, insurance issues, income issues, and raising costs all come into play. So, residents will be well informed, I have scheduled a town meeting in the Rec Hall on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at I :00 PM. It is my intent that the residents be made aware of facts, figures and decisions facing the Board, the staff and the Standing Finance Committee at this time.
Some of our residents received a letter regarding a hearing about a proposed high-end RV park to be developed on Talon Bay Drive because their lots on Loma Linda about the land in consideration. To get specific information about how La Casa will be affected, I will be attending that hearing on Wednesday night. I am not sure if we will be heard as we are not voters in North Port. We live in unincorporated south Sarasota County. However, as abutters, we may be able to have input. Anyone is welcome to attend. Ask me after the meeting for time and place details if you are interested.
Thank you for the support you give this board, our staff, and our committees.
Director’s Reports
Director Dave Bisson
Report: RV/Boat Compound Committee Liaison, none.
Director Frank Hanus: Secretary
Motion: I move for Lot # 179, 332 La Costa with a buildable lot size of 36’ X 77’ be approved. The new home, (24’ X 68’) and all attachments must fit within the buildable lot and meet all rules and policy specifications. In addition, the height of the home must not exceed the elevation shown on the drawings submitted as per the application and drawing submitted dated 9/18/23. Hanus/Luecken, 9/0 MMC.
Report: The AMC Committee Meetings will reconvene in October.
Director Jack Hagopian
Report: Investment team Liaison, none.
Director Linda Luecken: Treasurer
Motion: The Standing Committee on Finance recommends that effective January 1, 2023, the water, sewer, and tax expenses for the La Casa owned lots paid from the Operating Fund be reimbursed monthly from the Capital Asset Acquisition (CAA) Fund. Luecken/Moshano, 9/0 MMC.
Board member David Bisson, Motion to amend previous motion to read as follows: The Standing Committee on Finance recommends that effective January 1, 2023, that any expense associated with a La Casa owned lot be paid from the Operating Fund be reimbursed monthly from the Capital Asset Acquisition (CAA) Fund. Bisson/Moshano, 9/0 MMC.
Report: Finance, Investment Team Liaison, none.
Director Martha Morgan
Report: Security Committee Liaison, The Security Committee met on September 6th. The purpose of the meeting was to receive updates on the issues in the park which were given by Randy. There was discussion of possible solutions, but no decisions or motions were presented.
Director Paul Moshano:
Report: Firewise Committee Liaison, none.
Report: Future of La Casa Committee Liaison, none.
Director Gary Peterson:
Report: Contract Review Committee Liaison, none.
Director Linda Swab
Report: LCRE Liaison, none.
Report: A.M.C., none.
Old Business: None.
October newsletter, Colette Welch, please submit by October 8th.
New Business: None
Open Forum:
Tom Wasson, 340 La costa, mentioned his home siding was damaged by the mowing service two weeks ago. The new siding that was repaired after the hurricane. He reported this to the front office. The mowing service looked at the damage and said they did not cause the damage. Randy looked at it and said he could not file a complaint. He implied the repairs were not done since Baker Aluminum had not completed the carport yet since the downspouts come through there. I have pictures. The mowing people need to be held accountable. Do we need to photograph all 4 sides of our homes each month. Looking on Facebook others have said they have had damage. To get this repaired again will most likely not match due to color changes.
Dianne Richardson, 510 La Playa, asked about the November town hall meeting. Will the Board be holding off on the decision by the Finance Committee’s recommendation for how to solve the short fall until after the meeting or do you plan on using the meeting to explain what the Board will be doing. President Welch answered that the Board will not take a final vote until after that meeting. We will be taking input from the Finance Committee and others. Once this information has been shared with our residents. The reason for holding this town hall meeting is in the past no budget was ever explained in detail as to why decisions were made to the residents. This is going to be a very difficult decision for this Board to make. We want to make sure we give the residents as much information as we can. It will still be a decision for the Board to make.
President Welch entertained a motion to adjourn. Luecken/Morgan
The meeting was adjourned at: 1:30 p.m.
Next meeting: October 23rd, 2023, 1:00 P.M in the Rec Hall.
Approved 10/23/23
Respectively submitted,
Frank Hanus, Board Secretary
Homeowners Association of La Casa, Inc.
Special Board of Directors Meeting
September 13, 2023
Front Office Board Room &
Via Zoom
9:00 a.m.
Call to order: At 9:00 a.m. in the Front Office Board Room by President Welch.
Roll call: Present: Welch, Luecken, Morgan, Browning (Park Mgr.).
Via Zoom: Bisson, Hanus, Hagopian, Moshano, Peterson, Swab, Pasquale, (Parliamentarian).
Absent: Krout (Off Mgr./Acct.).
This workshop meeting included discussions regarding several challenges and issues we are being faced with at this time.
President Welch started off with asking everyone’s input on how we should handle the existing moratorium on our rules and regulations which will end September 30,2023. This will require a motion and vote in our September 25th Board meeting.
Randy started off by saying he is currently issuing violation letters covering, weeds, landscape trimming, basic upkeep on the exterior of homes. This also includes dirty roofs and need to clean the exterior of a home if it is in good condition.
Violation letters are being issued for utility trailers since residents are using them for storage and are parking them under their carports.
Free standing sheds are now another violation issue since they need to be under the carport roof and concealed.
He is asking the Board to be very clear as we prepare to enforce all the Rules and Regulations the end of September.
Board members were asked to offer suggestions as to how to proceed with handling homes that seem to not having any repair work done.
Paul suggested we pair up and stop and talk to each resident as needed.
Martha mentioned she has written her October newsletter with a gentle reminder to fill out the intent form again, so we are updated.
Frank mentioned he is working with Colette doing a drive by for every home in La Casa. Documenting everything that can be observed for every home or lot. This information will then be handed off to Sandy so she can add this to her spreadsheet which presently contains over 500 responses. Once updated this can then be used to track what is being done or not so we can remind residents based on how long it takes to make all the necessary repairs and or clean up and if needed write a violation letter.
Gary mentioned he likes Paul’s idea on pairing up and visiting each resident along with using Colette’s, Frank’s, and Sandy’s spreadsheet for reference. He feels it is still early in the process of getting work done.
Dave mentioned he is a resident struggling with some repairs. David agrees with the 9/30 deadline for notifying the front office. David also agrees with Randy’s concern regarding general maintenance for residents’ property or lot. He also agrees to put feet on the ground to monitor each home, possibly on a weekly basis. We could seek out other volunteers to assist with this.
Linda Swab is also struggling to get a carport rebuilt. She agrees with the idea of going door to door but doing it in pairs so there is little chance the information is misinterpreted.
Jack mentioned he has been disappointed with some contractors. Going door to door with a copy of our Rules to hand out would be good. He is concerned many residents are at their absolute worst and we should show some leniency.
Linda Luecken mentioned she is also struggling with getting repairs done. We may be further along than we realize. Going door to door to get updates would be good. Linda also stated some residents have passed away and others are in nursing homes, so we need to check on these and get updates.
Martha added we should send out a Blackboard reminder message for the September deadline.
President Welch mentioned again the need to issue violation letters to the utility trailers being used for storage left on a resident’s property.
David mentioned the idea of allowing residents to rent storage spots in our boat/RV storage yard for up to 90 days. We have space available. Randy mentioned we need to think about this due to many legal issues if the resident does not pull out after 90 days.
It was mentioned if we decide to pair up and go door to door, we all need to develop a script with a set of guidelines to follow so we will all give the same answers and recommendations.
Violation letters are now being issued for lots which have sand spilling into the street.
Coordination of our updated Rules and Regulations with our Proprietary Lease
Our Lawyer Mary Hawks has all these documents. How should we proceed? President Welch instructed Randy to proceed and have Mary review and advise. Jack Pasquale mentioned A seminar will be offered from Becker and Becker, (Mary Hawks) regarding dealing with corporation documents. He will send us information on this.
Purchase new homes and place on HOA owned lots.
This recommendation was made by a past Board member Jan Danner.
This has been done three times in the past and has been successful each time.
President Welch asked if the Board is interested in doing this. If so, we would need to put together a committee to review all the options with each of the home distributors.
The Board agreed 100% therefore we will proceed and get this set up.
Violation letters for 502 San Clemente and 661 La Sala
Randy discussed the legal process he follows as he is handling issues with 502 San Clemente as it is in escrow and the family is fighting over ownership. This has been sent to legal. The lawyer is asking does the Board want us to prepare for mediation demand or file for an arbitration petition. We will need to discuss this with Mary Hawks to determine which is the best to proceed with.
For 661 La Sala which needs cleanup, weeding flower beds, trimming shrubs, and maintaining the home. The home is in very bad condition. The person has inherited this home and is not cooperative. Some weeding has been done but the back of the home is green and needs to be cleaned. Therefore, how far does the Board want me to take this? The Board all agreed we need to proceed with our legal process. Randy will find out what both the arbitration and mediation process entails, and the costs associated with each.
2024 Budget Process
President Welch who attended the financial committee meeting yesterday. No decisions have been made but she feels there will need to be an increase in the monthly fees. Some decisions from previous Boards are now coming around to bite us financially. This is something we will need to face. Members of the finance committee are asking, can we cut back somewhere? The reality is prices keep going up. We have not balanced the budget; we have funded the budget in the past. It has been recommended we use our CAA funds which is our safety net and has helped us through the hurricane recovery. We no longer have any rental income. Our real estate sales are down. We will be hearing a lot more from our finance committee.
Insurance for 2024
Randy mentioned we are still in the middle of our insurance claim. This makes it very challenging as we try to get insurance bids for 2024. Our Broker has already mentioned we will most likely need to go with Citizens insurance for our buildings and then self-insure the rest of our assets. This will then require us to set aside monies for this purpose. This would most likely take most of our CAA fund.
Gary suggested we bring up insurance cost questions at our next AMC Committee meeting which will take place October 18th here at La Casa in our Clubhouse. Frank will be sure to ask this question.
Replacement awnings, sheds, and coverings
Randy discussed the many challenges we are being faced with as he and several Board members are seeing as we try to get the necessary county permits approved. One example is the cost of more than $800 just to see if the county will allow us to obtain a permit to install a carport between tennis courts one and two. It will require engineered drawings/plan and survey along with a long list of other site requirements. In the end we will most likely need to hire an engineering service to help us move forward. All because we are considered commercial property. Randy will begin looking for a civil engineering service.
Randy mentioned he has hired a new maintenance person by the name of Victor who is 65 years old. Per our employee handbook Victor is on a 90-day probationary period.
The meeting was adjourned at: 10:30 a.m.
Approved 10/23/23
Respectively submitted,
Frank Hanus, Board Secretary
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Call to order: At 1:00 pm in the Rec Hall by President Welch.
Pledge of Allegiance: Recited
Exit Message: Reviewed by President Welch, this also included a reminder there is an AED Defibrillator located on the back wall.
Silence Electronic Devices: Reviewed by President Welch.
Roll call: Present: Bisson, Hanus, Morgan, Peterson, Welch, Browning (Park Mgr.)
Via Zoom: Hagopian, Luecken, Moshano, Swab, Pasquale, (Parliamentarian).
Absent: Krout (Off Mgr./Acct.).
There were 5 residents attending.
Adoption of Proposed agenda:
Motion: To approve the agenda as presented. Morgan/Bisson 9/0 MMC
Shareholders Request to Speak: None
Open Forum on Agenda Items: None
Secretary’s Report: Frank Hanus
Motion: To approve the minutes of the April 24th, 2023, board meeting as submitted. Hanus/Bisson 9/0 MMC.
Motion: To approve the minutes of the May 11th, 2023, board meeting as submitted. Hanus/Peterson 9/0 MMC.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Luecken
MONTH OF: April 2023
Income | 163,893 | 164,739 | (845) |
Expense | 148,536 | 150,558 | (2021) |
Profit/Loss | 15,357 | 14,181 | 12,824 |
YEAR TO DATE Jan- Apr 2023
Income | 666,818 | 672,266 | (5,447) |
Expense | 572,586 | 582,819 | (10,232) |
Profit/Loss | 94,232 | 89,447 | (19,951) |
RESERVES (restricted funds)* | 856,311 | |
Total OPERATING FUND (including Cd’s)* | 234,109 | |
CAPITAL ASSET ACQUISITION FUND (see note)* | 514,659 | |
PETTY CASH | 250 | |
1,605,330 |
Total Funds Bank Accounts | 1,605,330 |
Total Funds CD’s | 2,381,986 |
Total Funds | 4,362,316 |
Investments/CD’s Due Next 3 months*
Date | Amount | Current Rate | |
Operating Capital Asset | |||
BMW Bank | 5/12/23 | 235,000 | 0.35% |
Citibank | 5/4/23 | 200,000 | 3.10% |
Mainstreet Bank | 5/1/23 | 200,000 | 2.55% |
1. *Reserve Funds are restricted funds.
2. *The Operating Fund includes four months of everyday expenses and CDs for emergencies.
3. *Capital Asset Acquisition Fund (CAA Fund) is for purchases of assets and major items not included in the Reserve Fund (non-reserve items).
4. *Hurricane Deductible is for insurance deductible only.
FINANCE: Jack Pasquale,
May 22, 2023
Good afternoon; President Welch; HOA Board Members; Mr. Randy Browning, Park
Manager; Ms. Linda Krout, Park Accountant; La Casa Shareholders and Residents
My name is Jack Pasquale and I live at 655 Los Altos. I have the privilege to serve as chairman of the Finance Committee along with team members Al Campbell, Jim Dahlhausen, Jan Danner, David Fogt, Dianne Richardson and Evelyn Ternullo.
The preliminary draft April 30, 2023, month end financials were reviewed. Bank, cash flow, balance and profit and loss statements were reviewed. Budget variances were reviewed, and each was explained. No unexplained material variances were identified. The financials are posted in the front office.
We made a final review of the draft of our Fiscal Year 2022 financial audit at our meeting on May 15, 2023. We are happy to report that our auditors are of the opinion that our financial statements present in all material respects the financial position of the HOA of La Casa as of December 31, 2022, and cash flows for the year ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
The Finance Committee is of the opinion that the Fiscal Year 2022 financial Audit is in condition for acceptance and passed a motion to recommend that the HOA Board accept the financial audit as prepared and presented by our auditors Cavanaugh & Company. It is our understanding that HOA Treasurer Linda Luecken will present such a motion at the HOA Meeting May 22, 2023.
Our reservist has made an onsite inspection and has prepared a draft of a new 30-year replacement management plan starting January 1, 2023. The Finance Committee will review the draft in June along with our Park Manager, Randy Browning and Park Accountant, Linda Krout.
We contemplate starting work on the 2024 budget in July and anticipate a draft will be available for presentation to the HOA Board in August. It is anticipated a draft 2024 budget will be ready for recommendation to the HOA Board to distribute to the shareholders at its September meeting.
Our best wishes to all for an enjoyable summer and safe travels.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Finance Committee,
Jack Pasquale, BSEE, JD
Chairman SCF
LCRE: Kathy Langone, Report was presented by Director Linda Swab.
Good afternoon, HOA President Colette Welch, directors, staff, guests, and shareholders.
For the month of April, we have closed on 3 move in ready homes 2 As is homes and 4 lots totaling 9. 2022 10 homes sold for the month. YTD 4 move in ready, 10 As is and 5 lots totaling 19. We have 8 move in ready, 4 As is and 4 lots pending. We have a total of 41 available for sale 16 Move in ready and 25 lots.
The average sale price for Move in ready is $225,333.00, As is homes $70,000.00 and lots $70,200.00.
Our cash operating balance is $83,644.41.
Summer is approaching and traffic is slowing down. As of June 2, the real estate office will be closed on Fridays through September. Lcre is also on vacation resuming our monthly meeting October 10, but we will keep in touch if anything comes up.
Hope everyone has a wonderful summer.
Kathy Langone
REPORT: Randy Browning, Park Manager
Rec Hall Metal Work
Contracts have been approved and signed. Material availability is holding up the repair work. The contractor is working to get the material as soon as possible and complete the work.
Front Wall
The front wall has been installed and the board has approved the painting of the wall. The contractor will be painting the wall soon.
Two Sheds
The tennis court shed has been installed and the pickle ball shed at the front office has been installed. We continue to wait on survey work to move forward on tennis cover at the Rec Hall and Bocce Ball cover.
Shuffle Awning Repair
The contractor has been ill and back logged with work. He is working toward the repair of the awning cover for the club house shuffle court.
The 6′ chain link fence repair and replacement along with the 6′ vinyl fence replacement contract has been approved and signed. We expect work to start by the 1 st of June.
Lake Hermosa
Hermosa Shore Line resloping contract has been approved and signed. We hope to see work start in June.
Wall Lighting
We are getting bids for the wall power for Christmas and wall lighting. We hope to have work done this summer.
Florida Forestry
The Forestry department has been in and said they plan to clean up the forest from storm debris. They saw the work done by La Casa volunteers and were amazed and thankful at the splendid work that was done by everyone that volunteered.
This month I want to express my gratitude to so many for making La Casa what it is.
Thank you to all those residents who have let us know what their intent of recovery is. We’ve heard from about half of our shareholders and are looking forward to hearing from the rest even if it’s just to let us know that no work is needed or that work is completed. It may seem like a little thing, but it is such a help in our recovery. If you haven’t let us know yet what your plans are, please do so soon. Also, remind your friends and neighbors to let us know.
I so appreciate my fellow board members. Their positive attitudes and attention to details help us to make good decisions for La casa. We have a very caring team. They are right there when needed even at a moment’s notice and we have had a few of those. I am grateful for the dedicated members of our various committees. These volunteers are doing what they can for the well-being of La Casa.
As president, I see daily the work done by our office staff and maintenance crew. Their efforts may not always be noticed, but they keep La Casa running well and looking good. Thank you to them for their hard work.
Linda Krout, the office manager and accountant, handles major responsibilities for La Casa and the LCRE. There is no way I would want to juggle all the balls she has in the air, especially right now dealing with insurance companies, the audit, the reservist, the ordinary everyday needs and prepping for the 2024 budget. When I go to the office to sign paperwork and checks, I see the depth of her work. Thank you, Linda.
Then there is Randy Browning. Randy has been with us for a quarter of a century. Sounds like a long time — and it is. In today’s business world people rarely stay that long in a job. Good for us that he has. He knows all that has been done and what needs to be done. He has brought us along to where we are today. I hear many comments about Randy and the job he does for us. Most of them are positive and people appreciate what he does. Randy is a hands-on manager working with the Board of directors, the committees, the vendors, the residents and is sometimes right down in the ditches with the maintenance crew. He is in the office about 4:30 AM daily dealing with the paperwork. We know that by the time on e-mails we receive. Then he is out checking what is being done in the park. When I am in his office while he confers with various vendors, I observe how knowledgeable he is and how he works at getting our needs met. When I am at meetings outside of the park, I see how well respected he is among his peers. Thank you, Randy, for all you do for us and the help you give me and this Board.
want to thank all of you who come to our meetings for showing your interest, concern, and support monthly. It is always good to see you here.
Director’s Reports
Director Dave Bisson
Report: RV/Boat Compound Committee Liaison, none.
Director Frank Hanus: Secretary
Motion: I move to cancel the agenda and regular HOA Board meetings for the months of June and July 2023. During this time, if necessary, special Board meetings will be held upon proper notification. Hanus/Peterson, 9/0 MMC
Report: AMC Committee Meetings will be taking the summer off and will reconvene in October.
Director Jack Hagopian
Motion: I move that for Lot #716, 611 Iglesia Drive with a buildable lot size of 51’ X 56’ be approved. The new home, (28’ X 56’) and all attachments must fit within the buildable lot and meet all rules and policy specifications. In addition, the height of the home must not exceed the elevation shown on the drawings and application submitted and dated 5/10/23. Hagopian/Bisson, 9/0 MMC.
Report: Investment team Liaison, none.
Director Linda Luecken: Treasurer
Motion: IMove the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association of La Casa, Inc. accepts upon recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance the FY 2022 Financial Audit prepared and presented by the independent auditors Cavanaugh & Co, LLP. Luecken/Moshano, 9/0 MMC
Report: Finance, Investment Team Liaison, none.
Director Martha Morgan
Motion: I move on behalf of the Security Committee’s recommendation to purchase a 300-amp generator with natural gas installation not to exceed $45,000. To be used as a backup power source for the front office, guard house, and golf cart buildings.
Morgan/Moshano, 9/0 MMC.
Report: Security Committee Liaison, there will be a meeting on July 6th. There will be a sign-up volunteer list for the security patrol. We will begin patrolling August 6th. Be on the look out for notices on bulletin boards, website, and Facebook. A recommendation was made to investigate the feasibility of using the front office as a temporary first aid station with the help of volunteer nurses in case of a disaster until emergency personnel could reach the office. The ramifications of the good Samaritan law will need to be investigated. The potential use of hedges and thorny bushes such as Bougainvillea has been recommended to further secure the front of our park and will be investigated further.
Director Paul Moshano:
Rules and Regulations Committee Chair: There have been some emails regarding the concern about the placement of the air conditioners and front steps on new home replacements within the buildable lot size.
There have been some other emails received, indicating some typos and rephrasing recommendations.
Paul will need to translate this information and send it to the committee for review.
President Welch mentioned the new Florida law going into effect regarding the age limit for operating a golf cart. Paul has this information; the committee will review, and update rules as needed.
Report: Firewise Committee Liaison, none.
Report: Future of La Casa Committee Liaison, none.
Director Gary Peterson:
Motion: I move to change the HOA owned home located at 237 El Prado from a demolition status to a sale as is status. Peterson/Morgan, 9/0 MMC.
Further discussion regarding the front steps on new homes since the homes are set up higher and require more steps. Gary has seen and photographed seven new homes with front porches/steps. Gary will email the pictures of these homes and would like the Rules and Regs Committee to look these over and have some further discussions with the possibility of having new homes with front steps have them turned sideways towards the driveway.
Report: Contract Review Committee Liaison, none.
Director Linda Swab
Report: LCRE Liaison, The Real Estate office will begin their summer hours effect June 2nd. This will include being closed on Fridays. They are looking for a part-time sales associate. Vicky will be part of the interviewing process. Vicky will train the new associate. Vicky also agreed to go to part to allow the new associate to work full time. Details will need to be worked out. The LCRE Board will be on hiatus until October.
Report: A.M.C., none.
Old Business: None.
July newsletter, Frank Hanus , please submit by June 8th.
August newsletter, Linda Luecken, please submit by July 8th.
September newsletter, Paul Moshano, please submit by August 8th.
New Business: None
Open Forum:
Jack Pasquale recommended Paul Moshano to be very specific on the rule Gary Peterson brought up earlier.
Linda Swab questioned if a 16-year-old who is licensed, (from another state) is allowed to drive a golf cart. Yes, they are.
President Welch entertained a motion to adjourn. Morgan/Peterson
Meeting adjourned at: 1:57 p.m.
Next meeting: August 28, 2023, 1:00 P.M in the Rec Hall.
Approved 8/28/23.
Respectively submitted,
Frank Hanus, Board Secretary
Homeowners Association of La Casa, Inc.
Special HOA
Board of Directors Meeting
May 11, 2023
9:00 a.m.
Call to order: At 9:00 a.m. by President Welch
Roll call: Present: Bisson, Hanus, Morgan, Moshano, Welch, Krout (Off Mgr./Acct.), Browning (Park Mgr.).
Vai Zoom, Luecken
Absent, excused, Hagopian, Swab, Peterson, and Pasquale (Parliamentarian).
Visitors: 2
Motion: I move to approve the same existing cream color for the painting of the new precast concrete wall along the front of our community. Bisson/Moshano, 6/0 MMC.
Motion: I move that for Lot #363, 656 Los Altos with a buildable lot size of 41’ X 61’ be approved. The new home, (26’ 6” X 48’) and all attachments must fit within the buildable lot and meet all rules and policy specifications. In addition, the height of the home must not exceed the elevation shown on the drawings and email correspondence submitted and dated 4/11/23. Hanus/Bisson, 6/0 MMC.
A discussion followed regarding the approval process for the recently revised updated La Casa Rules and Regulations. A draft copy of this document has been sent to all the Board members for review and comment. President Welch will email a reminder to all Board members to send their concerns and or comments to the Rules and Regs Task Force chairman Paul Moshano by May 20th.
Another discussion was brought up regarding the very old, approved color chart, (board) used for reference when a resident would like to paint their home. Randy was just issued several new color swatch books from Sherwin Williams. He requested over the summer we create a new updated color binder for our residents to use as a reference. President Welch then approved a task force to handle this. The members will be Linda Luecken, Martha Morgan, Frank Hanus. Residents, Tim Davis and Denny Smith.
Motion to adjourn, Welch/Moshano, 6/0 MMC.
The meeting was adjourned at 10;00 a.m.
Approved 5/22/23
Respectively submitted, Frank Hanus, Board Secretary
Minutes for Special Meetings on June 16, June 26, June 29 and August 3, 2023
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