Operation Green Light helps residents pay off traffic citations, criminal fines, and fees on April 18.
Giving Back — About Volunteerism — March 2015
GIVING BACK You must be a registered La Casa home owner to view this content If you are a La Casa resident and have not registered with the site, do so Here. If you are registered, please log in to access all site content.
by Norm Amos [Read more…]
User-friendly Site Pinpoints Sarasota’s Changed Flood Zones — Feb. 2015
By Zac Anderson
Published: Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 4:56 p.m. Reprinted with permission of the Herald Tribune
Sarasota County has rolled out a more user-friendly way to search proposed new flood risk maps, making it easier to determine which properties are among the 42,700 being added to high risk flood zones. The new search function addresses a major source of frustration with the maps.
Using a link on the county’s website, property owners can plug in their address and see their current flood zone and whether it is changing. The information is important because flood insurance is mandatory for structures in high-risk zones in order to obtain a mortgage, and there are also tougher construction standards for such properties.
Property owners had expressed “consistent” complaints about how difficult it was to navigate the draft flood maps put out by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said Desiree Companion, the county’s point person for the map revision. The FEMA maps have no search function for individual properties and do not include property lines, making it difficult to determine whether the new high-risk zones are touching certain properties. So county mapping experts took the FEMA information and overlayed it onto local property records. “It’s wonderful,” Companion said. “Just quick, fast, you can see the old (zone) and the new.” The county’s map revision page also has dates, times and locations for four upcoming public forums on the issue.
Copyright © 2015 HeraldTribune.com (link to original article)
Interactive maps can be found here:
https://ags2.scgov.net/ sarcoflood/
Submit Your Ballot for La Casa – North Port Sun Readers Choice Awards 2014
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Residents – Update Your Telephone Contact Information by Feb. 15, 2015
The La Casa Telephone Directory will be updated next spring. The deadline for receiving any corrections for names or telephone numbers for current residents is February 15, 2015.
Contact Pat Cooney at the main office, 426-0663, if you have any needed corrections.
A Heartfelt Thanks to La Casa from Sally Smith
by Sally Smith
Dear, Dear La Casa,
A heartfelt thank you to all our friends and neighbors for your prayers, warm wishes and concerns for Tom.
Food has appeared to feed a tired mind and body – MINE. Bless you!!!
As of this writing Tom has been readmitted to the hospital after a very short stay at Quality Health Care. Hopefully when the December La Casa Newsletter is distributed he will be well on his way to recovery. Only time will tell.
Special thanks to Deb and Mike Poe for tending to his precious bonsais. He asks about them daily. I took pictures of the trees so he can see and appreciate Deb and Mike’s hard work. To Marilee, how can I ever repay you for helping me get through one of the longest and worst days of my life. Also, much love to Shirley and Tom Barnes for joining the long wait during the surgery. Tom had his own private cheering section.
The flowers and cards conveyed by Shirley Paro and Tim Davis on behalf of La Casa were bright spots in our narrowed world.
Tom is much too fragile for visitors right now, but hopefully he will soon be ready to see your bright and smiling faces.
Here’s to love, and hope. Tom Sally and Family
Boating and Fishing Club Fish Fry Dinner Dance — April 2014
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Annual Fishing Derby — April 2014
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