Revised General Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2012
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Mary introduced the officers for 2012 – 2013.
President – Mary Sawyer
Vice President – Glen McGeady
Secretary – Leona Farris
Treasurer – Dollard LeBlanc
Newsletter Editor – Tom Bohan
Training Room Coordinator – Dennis Sykor
Member at Large – Rita Sargent
Member at Large – Carroll Rumble
Vice–President’s Report: No report.
Treasurer’s Report: Dollard LeBlanc
Balance last meeting $3730.34
Deposits 107.00
Expenses 172.07
Balance $3665.27
New Business: Results of Board Meeting November 7, 2012.
Mary will check on keys to the computer room.
Dollard to give Leona a signed financial report for the records
Leona will make and post posters in the Rec Hall, Club House and Activities Bldg
Dennis will arrange for classes to be held after January 1 and submit a schedule for replacing computers in the computer room.
Policy and Procedures – Rita Sargent will chair a committee with members Cynthia Bateman and Mary Alice Pollard to study and submit changes for review.
By-laws – A committee will be formed in January to study and submit changes for review.
No Old Business.
Speaker – Jim Phillips spoke about the features of Facebook. He compared Facebook with a similar social marketing site called Google +. He encouraged all to get a g mail account and try the Google + and Google +1. Mr. Phillips answered many questions about Facebook and the Google options.
Door prize winners were Stan Quink and Barbara Gordon.
50/50 winner for $12.00 was Pauline Deignan.
Tom Quink moved meeting be adjourned. Eileen Riley seconded. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:23.
Respectfully submitted,
Leona Farris
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