News From Your Activity Association
By Tim Davis, President
Happy Birthday to our nation – 238 years young! It seems like only yesterday when we were celebrating our Bicentennial. Our northern neighbors will be celebrating their 147th birthday on July 1st, Canada Day, and we hope they also have a great celebration.
By the time you receive this Newsletter, all tickets will have been sold for La Casa’s 4th of July celebration in the Rec Hall, but those of you that have tickets will enjoy another day of fun and activities starting off with our traditional decorated Golf Cart Parade at 11:15 a.m., followed by lunch and bingo. Many thanks to our great cooks, George Meekins and Dan Smith, who will be serving up some sizzling food.
By popular demand we decided to bring back Wednesday Night at the Movies, beginning on July 30th at 7:00 p.m. in the Rec Hall. Watch Channel 195 and closer to the date to find out what movie will be playing. Remember this is a free event. We are also providing free popcorn, so BYOB and have fun. More movie nights will follow in August and September.
On Saturday, July 19th, we will have another dance featuring the music of Rock ‘N Rhythm. Reserved tickets will go on sale before the July 9th Coffee Hour and continue at Bingo until the night of the dance. July’s Pot Luck dinner will be held on Friday the 25th beginning at 5:00 p.m. Bring a dish to share for at least 8, your own tableware and BYOB. Coffee will be served. Stay after to play games or cards, head out to the pool or just socialize with your friends and neighbors.
Registration on continues to climb over the summer and I keep hearing many positive comments about how this new tool makes it very easy to find out what is going on in La Casa. Tell your neighbors and friends so they can sign up. Those of you up north can easily access the site and see what awaits you when you return next Season. Everyone have a safe and joyous 4th of July and keep watching for more summer activities to keep you busy!