MAY 5, 2014
President Tim Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, then led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Acting Secretary Dan Smith called the roll call. Absent were Bill Steger, George Meekins, Marlene Bolyard, and Doris Marlin. Dan asked for a motion to approve the April minutes if there were no amendments, and Clint Van Tassel moved same, seconded by Dan Smith. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was delivered by Clint Van Tassel. Income and disbursements netted a balance on hand of $19,273.00.
Dan Smith delivered scheduling report advising that the calendar as now scheduled through 2016 has been entered onto the website. He reminded those requesting space that they need to include reservation time for set up, decorating, etc. Dan announced a free lunch will be held Friday, June 20th, as an appreciation day sponsored by the Activity Association.
In George Meekins absence, there was no entertainment report, but Clint Van Tassel advised that Jay Smith has had to cancel for July 19th as he is having surgery. George is working on a replacement.
Tim Davis delivered the President’s report. He announced there would be no line dancing Thursday, May 15th. Memorial Day tickets will be on sale through May 21st, still at $6.00 each. Requested everyone to please leave the wheelchair in the Rec Hall, and if it is borrowed to please check with a board member and return it ASAP. Tim is spearheading the website Community Channel. He can include any news or info separate from channel 195. Lastly, Tim advised Activity Association meetings are cancelled for July and August, but there will be a meeting June 2nd.
No report from the Welcome Committee.
Tim Davis reported for the Coffee Hour that there was no sponsor for May 21st so the coffee would be an appreciation social hour only. After Memorial day coffee hours are to be taken over by Mary Borst, so watch for events on channel 195 and the website Community Channel.
Mary Borst announced there would be a coffee hour in June on the 11th and 25th. She also announced there would be a potluck supper Friday, June 27th at 5 PM.
Shirley Paro thanked everyone for their help with the sunshine committee and encouraged others to keep an eye on neighbors on their street. Keep information coming about neighbors.
Gail Fryer advised the next La Casa ladies breakfast is scheduled for Thursday, June 5th at 9 AM. Participants are encouraged to wear white as the color of the day. Gail advised that Neighbors Helping Neighbors continue to help on a regular basis, trying to keep people off ladders.
Norma Beach announced the next Food Drive was May 13th and food should be placed on or near the lamp posts.
Deb Poe thanked the library volunteers for dusting every book and every shelf since her last report. Also thanks to Gail Fryer for donating her time to create a new sign. A special thanks to Mike Poe for volunteer muscle above and beyond.
No report for the Blood Drive. Next drive is September.
No report on Voices of La Casa nor Celebration of Life Committee.
Safety Patrol is looking for volunteers now that the snowbirds were headed back “up north”. More information is available on the La Casa website.
There was discussion about the HOA purchasing a house at auction recently. The bid was approximately $1.00 but there are taxes and late fees for around $20,000.00. Further action depends on results of subsequent HOA board meetings.
No Old Business.
Under New Business Tim advised the Rec Hall would be closed May 19 and 20 for carpet cleaning. There is to be no admittance to anyone for these two days. Tickets for Black Velvet will be available at the door Saturday night.
No requests for Open Forum and no other business so the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM.