The La Casa International Writers’ Club may need outside assistance in determining whether we should use the spelling of the club name as it just was shown or whether we should move the apostrophe between the last two letters in “Writers” (written here sans that punctuation.
Our little club does not seem to have a universally accepted name and, to date, there have been no complaints, entirely because there has been no discussion about the actual name. Substance trumps spelling and branding of our product.
We’ve been off to a nice start of the winter in the South. We have three Canadians from two provinces and somewhat more members hailing from states that represent the East Coast, Mid West, and the Pacific Coast. Some members are working, or starting to work, on family-interest memoirs/stories while others are tending toward fictional stories. Some, to date, are mulling the idea of what to write and how to begin.
Some mentioned words related to how text becomes a book when published include gutters, orphans and widows, headers, pagination, and copyright. Literary agents, self-addressed-stamped envelopes have had a mention as well. Does all this seem exciting?
There are no restrictions on our membership number, but our group of about a dozen seems to work well. We invite queries about what we do and how someone can become connected with this group. Hey, any ideas as to how to spell the name of our club?
submitted by Howard Hellman