Lines from the Library
Deb Poe, Chairperson
As the summer ends, our library is ready for the return of our Northerners! Many changes have occurred in the past months. Several categories have been moved but every section is labelled to eliminate confusion as you browse the shelves. We now have a “Free Box” that will allow residents to take home some of the items that would normally be donated to thrift stores.
As of August 31st, the La Casa Library has circulated 11,493 items. That’s an incredible amount of shelving that wouldn’t have happened without our team of dedicated volunteers. I’d like to thank them individually. They are:
Barbara Gordon Alene Huthman Gail Fryer
Arlene Espisito Bob Ingram Jo Ann King
Karen Hoeppner Tonya Ballard Fran Doyle
Carol Curley Caren Karnes Terry Quink
Alan Parmentier Shirley Barnes Marilee Taylor
Carol Parmentier Karon Walsh Linda Wiser
Some of them work weekly while some work as substitutes. All of them are awesome. They make our Library as great as it is. Stop by. You’ll see what I mean!