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Park Manager’s Report – by Randy Browning
Electric Pedestals
January 9, 2018 started a new round of electric pedestal replacements. This year we are replacing pedestals along La Jolla, San Clemente, and Villa Nueva Circles, as well as sections of the south ends of El Prado, Madonna, and most of Iglesia Drive. If the electric pedestal associated with your home has shrubs or trees around it that you would like to save, please remove them prior to the work taking place. Otherwise, the plants will be removed and discarded. All homeowners who are having their pedestals replaced have been contacted by phone and will have a flyer delivered to the home by a La Casa employee. Replacements will be taking place on Tuesdays between 8 am and 2 pm, and each will take approximately 4 to 6 hours to complete.
Mowing in February
Mowing in February will take place the weeks of February 5th (through the 9th) and February 26th (through March 2nd).
Rejuvenation of Roads
The preventative maintenance treatment of select roads is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1 and 2, 2018. The streets to be treated are: Hibisco Drive, La Jolla Circle, Madero, San Clemente Circle, Umberto, Villa Nueva Circle, and Vistoria Drive. All homes directly affected will be notified of specific details prior to the work taking place.
Annual Shareholders Meeting
The 2018 Annual Shareholders Meeting will take place Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Rec Hall. Information packets were mailed out mid-January, and included a Limited Proxy form that must be completed by the designated voter and returned to the La Casa office prior to the meeting on February 13th. If you are a shareholder, and have not yet returned your Proxy form to the office, please do so as soon as possible.
Annual HUD Survey
Many HUD Survey forms for 2018 have been turned in to the office – thank you! These forms are part of a survey La Casa must conduct, by law, every year; they also provide important emergency contact information. If you have not completed yours, please do so as soon as possible. If you did not receive a form (or have misplaced it), extras are available in the office, and may be printed from the La Casa ROC Website.