The gazebo enlargement is completed and ready for use.
It is Hurricane Season
The La Casa buildings hurricane shutters have been installed for the season. It is hoped they will not be needed. Like La Casa, all residents need to be prepared for hurricanes. Bring in anything that is not anchored down and can become a high wind projectile. Check your awning and carport for rusted anchors and screws that may fail in high winds. Plan to evacuate if needed to a safe inland place.
Make sure you have your evacuation supplies ready to take with you. Do not forget medications, water and snacks, as well as blankets, pillow, batteries, radios and flashlights. If you have a pet make sure that your evacuation place is pet friendly. Start planning now. Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
Milling & Asphalt
Milling work will occur on Monday and Tuesday, July 7th & July 8th 2014. Bravado and Vivar will be directly affected. There will be delays to enter or exit that should be no more than an hour or so. If you plan to go out you may want to park at the Clubhouse or Rec Hall whichever is more convenient for you.
El Prado at the main entrance and exit, all homes on East El Prado & West El Prado, as well as home on Robalo and Buenos will be inconvenienced for at least 24 hours either July 23rd Wednesday or July 24th Thursday. Do not drive or walk on treated area for 24 hours after it has been applied. You may park on the grass at the Lakes or other areas such as Rec Hall or Clubhouse. As the date gets closer each homeowner that will be affected will be notified.
Rec Hall
The roof replacement for Rec Hall is scheduled for June 30th. During this time the Rec Hall may be closed or have limited access due to cranes, trucks and workers. Inside the Building will be noisy. Closer to the start date, we will post any schedule changes accordingly. Night time activities should not be affected. Work will be done between the hours of 8:00 am & 5:00 pm. Estimated time of project will be 5 to 10 business days, weather permitting.