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Park Manager’s Report – October, 2018
by Randy Browning
Clubhouse Exterior Wall Repair
On September 10, 2018, our contractor started replacing and upgrading the T1-11 exterior wall of the Clubhouse. Areas around the building will be closed off, but the building will remain open for community use. The project is expected to take approximately three weeks to complete. We hope to see the final result by the first part of October, pending unexpected issues and/or weather.
Rec Hall Tennis Courts
The contracted crew has been slowed by the daily rains and is running behind schedule. Pending any further weather delays, the resurfacing of tennis courts #2 and #3 was to begin sometime during the week of September 17th. It takes at least four work days to complete the resurfacing job. Play should be able to resume on the courts by the middle of October. Missing wind screens will be replaced by the contractor at no cost to La Casa.
Golf Cart Decals
Please bring your golf cart to the office during regular business hours to obtain a decal for $2.00, which will be placed on your cart by office staff. Be sure to get your decal prior to March 1, 2019; after that date, the cost of the decals goes up to $5.00. Once a decal has been installed, it is valid for as long as you have the cart or until it becomes illegible. Help us protect all La Casa residents by registering for a golf cart decal – when you have a decal displayed, we know you belong in the community
La Casa Wildlife
La Casa is a diverse community surrounded by woods, canals, ponds and lakes, and we are never alone. When residents are outdoors in La Casa (or anywhere in Florida), you should always be aware of other kinds of residents: bobcats, snakes, red ants, fire ants, mosquitoes, spiders, alligators, and other wildlife. From time to time these original inhabitants make an appearance and each can be a pleasure, a nuisance or even a danger, depending on the viewpoint of the beholder. Remember to observe and not attempt contact with these particular neighbors, for the safety and well-being of everyone and everything.
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