The purpose of the La Casa Community Website is to provide information to residents regarding social, recreational and community affairs. Content published on the website should inform, educate or entertain the residents of La Casa and should support residents being more fully engaged in the community.
La Casa has many established and effective communication channels, not the least of which is the newsletter published monthly for residents, and Comcast channel 195 on our cable TV. These and other existing methods of communication to residents will continue independent of the website.
The website does not replace any existing method of communication.; all existing methods will continue to operate independent of the website.
The La Casa Community Website will be referred to in this document at “the website”
No complaints or opinions, deemed personal or controversial, will be published on the website. Additional information about site Terms and Conditions can be found here.
Definition of content as it applies to this document
Content shall mean text, images, or videos that are written or created by a resident who is submitting said content for publication on the website.
All content is subject to editing. The appropriateness of any submitted material shall be determined by the website administrator / editor under the control of the elected Board of Directors of the La Casa Home Owners Association. The Board of Directors of the Home Owners Association, as publisher, has control over the contents of the website.
Who Can Submit Copy
Typically our governance committees, clubs or activity based groups will designate a member who will submit content on a recurring basis to keep the larger LaCasa community updated on the activities of those groups.
Every resident has a voice and can submit an article, announcement or expression of gratitude to the website as long at the submission follows the guidelines stated here , or in the site Terms and Conditions.
Submitting Content for Publication
What follows is the recommended method for submitting content. If you follow these recommendations the website editor will be able to quickly publish your content.
In order to properly give credit to the author of any submission, a bio, which should consist of 1 to 2 sentences briefly describing the author’s background and photo image will need to be submitted. If you want to submit your high school graduation photo that is fine. If submitting content for a club or activity, please note the name of the club in your email.
Format for submissions
Original non copyrighted text should be submitted in the body of an email or as an attachment and sent to
A title for each submission is required and should be included at the beginning of the email.
Original non-copyrighted images can be submitted as attachments to the email. The acceptable file formats for images are jpeg, png or tiff. Large size photo images are best.
If you are submitting an original non-copyrighted video you should first upload the video to your Youtube or similar account. A link to the video should be included in the aforementioned email.
Submitting images or video is encouraged as they can greatly enhance the ability to communicate a story and inform our community.
Public Content
Welcome / Introduction pages with the exception of the “who to contact for more information” section.
Monthly News input with the exception of resident names , telephone number , email address , or street address as noted below
Restricted Content
Any content that is deemed confidential and especially resident names, telephone number, email address, or street address will be restricted from public view. Calendar and Community channel are also restricted, and only available to residents.
The website is quite robust and can handle lengthy submissions. In the interest of our readers I would recommend that submissions be no more that 1000 words with 300-600 being optimal.
More attention should be given to the value of the submission to the community than to the length.
The website administrator or editor reserves the right to edit any items for length and content. The exceptions to this are Association meeting minutes, legal notices, or other content that will be posted as-is. The website administrator / editor will attempt to be accurate when posting information, club activities or dates of events. In the event you find an error, contact us and we will correct it as soon as possible.
Community Channel
The website also contains functionality similar to the Community Channel 195. Information on how residents can submit notices to be included in this portion of the website can be found here.
Who Can Register
This website is for residents of La Casa Mobile Home Park located in south Sarasota County, Florida. The only exception to this statement are the Park Manager, Park Accountant, LCRE Sales Agent, and the La Casa Office Assistant. These employees represent the La Casa Homeowners on a daily basis. Both owners and renters can register with the following clarification residents who are renters will be given a membership to the community website for the duration of their rental period.
La Casa Website Committee
April 2014
Appendix 1 – June 2014
This website is designed to provide information to our residents in a timely manner.
At this time, we cannot accept personal advertising from residents. Clubs can post events available to residents, but nothing for sale.
There is a bulletin board available in the Club House for residents to post items for sale or personal services.
The policy is: personal advertising is allowed only on the Club House Bulletin Board. It must be from a La Casa resident, have their phone number, and be dated. All advertisements will be removed after 30 days. Absolutely no advertising is allowed on the Rec Hall Bulletin Boards and will be promptly removed.
Updated “Format for Submission” to allow attachments 12/05/2014