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Sherry Shipley, 669 El Tango, 630-854-5983 is from the Indianapolis, IN area. Sherry has friends in the Sarasota and Ft. Myers area so wanted a place in between. She did her on-line research and found La Casa to be the best fit for her. She was an avid motorcyclist for over 40 years. She traveled the entire continental United States on her motorcycle. Sherry has since given up that activity for paddle board, kayaking, and biking. She hopes to play pickle ball and cards once we are in full season. Sherry is semi-retired from publishing directories. She has started her own business, Joyful Living, a virtual life/grief coach.
Jim and Wendy Bannahan, 487 Loma Linda, 443-766-3687 are coming from Columbia, MD. They have been wintering this past season with Wendy’s dad who lives in Holiday Park. They always enjoyed the park whenever visiting her aunt and uncle,Shirley and Jerry Corrao; helping them make the decision easy to move into La Casa. Jim is owned his own business as a management consultant. Wendy was an office manager. Wendy enjoys crocheting stuffed animals as well is an excellent drapery seamstress.
Rick and Carolyn Buck, 612 La Jolla, 345-868-5787 have been living in North Port for the past 16 years. Before coming to North Port they lived in the Utica/Syracuse NY area. Rick retired after 25 years from GE. He then worked for the NYDOT as a snowplow driver. Carolyn was a nurse for 30 years. After that she held various jobs before retiring completely. She enjoys playing cards and
Mahjong. Rick is looking forward to getting a golf cart. They are looking forward to joining the various activities we have to offer.
Mary Ziemba and Jim Russell, 409 Cantina, 413-575-44511 are from Island Walk in Venice. They are previously from Springfield, MA. Jim has been a “jack of all trades” and Mary has retired as a property manager. Jim is a big sports fan and plays cards. They are both enjoying the pool. Mary hopes to take part in the dancercise
Patty and Denny Smith 417 Tarde Logo, 412-389-6835 are from Pittsburg, PA but have lived in North Port for the past 3 years.
Patty is working part-time as a receptionist in an acupuncture office in Venice. Denny is retired after working for a Christian based homeless and addiction shelter for men. Patty likes to walk and Denny enjoys music. They both enjoy going to the Charlotte Players. They will take the summer months to settle into their new home so they can begin to join in the activities come fall.
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